Our Artsy-Fartsy Project: Happy Teacher Day’s Day

It is nearing Teacher’s Day again and every year, I try to do something with my boys to show the appreciation we have for their teachers. So this year is no exception. (This is what we did last year, with some Americal Toll House Cookies). I just realised that we have the same concept this year of kneading, rolling and stretching except for a more adult cookies and handmade memo pegs as part of the packaging.

Our First Batch of Pressies

Nevertherless the boys really had fun making those pegs. They were so serious brainstorming for the ideas, ok alright I decided the cookie and they decided the rest. 🙂

Memo Pegs, Tags and Sample Packaging (From anti-clockwise)

and of course………

Green Tea Cookies (Will share recipie next week :))

My Boys Seriously Kneading, Rolling and Stretching

Clay Work

Kitchen Work

If you are wondering what we used to make those little figurines on the pegs……

THe Boys’ Work of Art

It is Jumping Clay that we used and there is a really simple tutorial on how to make a lady bug which the boys can follow very well.

Our Jumping Clay

From now till Teacher’s Day celebration, you still have a few more days (rather limited days though) so if you have some any other form of clay on hand and urgently need to make something, I have included a easy peasy  step-by-step photo on how yo make simple flowers.

A rather time-consuming project it may be but I believe the best present I can give my kids’ teachers are by incaclulating the meaning of presents that come from the bottom of the heart which is SINCERITY. And of course I have my own advantage too that is parent-and-child bonding. 🙂

Happy Teacher’s Day to All The Teachers Around the World !!


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A Totally Unexpected Gift

Well the hubby is back finally and he usually comes back with lots of loots for the boys leaving me insanely “jealous” – with the thought of “What about me????” Well alright, he always buys me a bottle of perfume but I kind of thought it was getting boring. Yet again, bland it maybe but somehow, it makes me flutter and happy in the heart, if you get what I mean (such a contradicting woman I am, ain’t I?).

Anyway, here is hubby soaking up in sweat while unpacking.

Hubby Thinking of What to Unpack

And look at what he has gotten for the kiddos. Everything what little boys will like!!




The Boys All Really Happy

And the kids were jumping around with HUGE MEGA smiles.

And all I got again was…….

Perfume and Empty Pandora Box

You must be thinking why he used an empty Pandora box? The hubby knew that the Pandora Charm Bracelet was one of my long time I-WANT-IT item and so it was like a GOTCHA for him to see my excited face falling all down into disappointment. 😦

I never really bare to part with my money for the Pandora because with the bracelet going from S$120.00 plus onwards and each basic charm ranging from about S$60.00 plus onwards, it was seriously not cheap.  Yet again compared with the charms from The-Little-Blue Box, to me the Pandora charms are so much more unique.

Anyway aside from my story of how I wish to have it, I was lamenting to my hubby on how he has not bought me any jewllery in our 12 years of being together other than the wedding ring. 😦 So when I saw that little white box, my heart skipped a beat, thinking that, “ohhhhh…….. at least he got me a ring” only to find an empty box. 😦 You should have totally seen my sullen face and my hubby’s smirks and grins as if he has gotten a prize.

And then that was when he whip out a bigger size Pandora box that sets me beaming from ear to ear again 🙂

This time round, there was really a charm bracelet in it!!

A Totally Unexpected Gift

I was seriously happy because I know even if he got me a ring I will still be as happy. 🙂

Once again how can I not love those charming charms? 🙂

Those Unique Cute Little Charms

P.S: Thanks hubby and just to let you know, there are more room for those little charms and an empty ring box for you to put a ring in. (“,)


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I Survived Single Motherhood!!

The last time I wrote about my fear that my hubby is leaving us for work and in a flash, the hubby is already returning home tomorrow evening and the boys are really elated about it. As for me, I am happy to know that I have managed to challenge myself into keeping my sanity and am still enjoying it. 🙂 I guess the boys are in better control since I am Empress Dowager at home now :).

Anyway there were many things that we managed to do.

I attended Clemens 1st performance in school.Managed to get Damir to improve on his handwriting and I will have to say the boys were AWESOME!!!

Damir & His Chinese Handwriting

The Boys and Their Sticker Book

I also got to see Clemens attend his violin lesson and best of all I still managed to cook for us, made amazing lunchboxes for Clemens. Plus I tried a new recipe.

Clemens 1st Violin Lesson

Simple Udon, Beef-Bowl Rice, Spam & Egg Sushui and Tuna Sandwiches (From top-left in a clock-wise direction)

I thought it was rather amazing of me to finish work, rush home and still bring the boys for their swimming lesson.

My Little Flying Fishes

I guess the thing that I dislike most was the juggling of housework but I am just so lucky to have a doting mummy who takes GREAT care of my boys and pops by occassionally to clean up our mess, which seriously made things alot easier for me. Thanks mummy 🙂

My World’s Best Mummy

And did I even mentioned that during all these while, I managed to sit for 2 exams paper: A Management and Finance paper. (Crossing my finger that I pass them :))

Now that the hubby is back, the boys won’t be able to ‘bunk-in’ with me and of course I do have my own plans. I am going to:

  • Resume my exercise routine,
  • Take care of my inner-self,
  • Hang out with my grilfriends once a month, and
  • Starting preparing for term 3 of school.
  • And most importantly, I hope I can find more time to update this blog of mine 🙂

Whatever it is, that was how fufilled my life was for the past 1 month.

Just Us 🙂

Linking Up To:


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Ni-Tamago aka Lava Eggs

Exams are over and I can finally blog an entry or 2. There is so much that I want to share from Clemens’s 1st school speech and drama concert to a few recipies. But since I have not been blogging about recipies for a really long time, I thought I will share a really simple one. 🙂

I was really excited when I saw this-Shoyu based Ramen on Wokking Mum Elaine’s blog it was the ni-tamago or commonly known as lava egg that caught my eyes. I have always been curious to make this and after looking at her 2 parts entry (Part 1- Shows you how to make the eggs and Part 2-How to Marinade the Eggs), I realise that it is pretty easy because it is all about TIMING!!

Anyway I have summarised my experience of doing this lava egg in a single entry. And I started making the marinade first as it will need some time to cool down.

A. The Marinade

The Marinade


  • 5 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
  • 3 tbsp Hot Water (So that I don’t need to boil the mixture)
  • 3 tbsp Mirin
  • 2 tbsp Sugar (I use frutose sugar)
  • 1 tsp Superior Dark Soy Sauce


  1. Combine all ingredients together and stir well.
  2. Once the sugar has melted, let the marinade cool completely.

*This marinade is for about 2-3 eggs.

So now while letting the marinade cool down, we can start to cook the eggs.

B. Cooking Those Eggs


  • 60g Eggs (I use un-refrigerated eggs)

Method (With Step-By-Step Photo)

  1.  Boil a pot of water enough to cover the eggs.
  2. Reduce heat so that the water is just simmering. It is important as you do not want the eggs to ‘jump’ in the process and get cracked.
  3. Use a spoon to place the eggs into the simmering water very carefully.
  4. Let them cook for 5.5-6 minutes, uncovered.
  5. Prepare a bowl of ice water.
  6. Remove the eggs immediately and submerge in the ice-cold water for about 1min. This helps to stop the egg from cooking.
  7. Remove from ice-bath and gently tap on the shell of the egg. Carefully remove the shell.
  8. Place the lava eggs in a plastic bag and carefully pour the marinade into it to submerge them.
  9. Knot it, as it allows the marinade to surround the eggs completely. Let stand for 2-3 hours, shaking the bag occasionally to move the eggs around.
  10. To serve, drain eggs from marinade and cut into half.

**To note: The longer you steep the eggs, the darker they become and the firmer the yolks get, as the salty marinade draws the water out of them. so I guess that is why my yolk looks a little solidfy.

But anyway it still tasted really good that usually my boys who do not like yolks from hard-boiled eggs also finished it up. 🙂 Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Lunch is Served Just As The Way Damir Loves It. 🙂

And here is a picture to share of my not-so-successful attempt.

The Over-Cooked Yolks 😦


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