Phase1 P1 Registration For Damir

Life has been busy and I guess I sometimes feel that I am in my early mid-life crisis. Life can be positive for a week and negative for the next 3 weeks and the cycle just goes on in a vicious cycle. Anyway I am not here to share my musings and complains of my life today.

The good news is my baby- Damir has finally registered for primary school and successfully gotten a place (all thanks to big brother Clemens) and the “bad” news is he will be officially joining the rat race of our local education system (but being a bright and intuitive boy, I am not doubting his capability to adapt) . I am just more worried about the number of phone calls that I might be getting from his teachers due to his endless questions and very extremely “creative” thoughts (for example, giving my hub and I endless possibilities on why penguins can fly (-_-)”)

My Baby's All Grown Up

My Baby’s All Grown Up 

This year is a really easy year for us as Damir was registered under Phase 1 (since he has an older sibling studying in the school) compared to 2 years ago where Clemens was registered under Phase 2C (child who is  ineligible for or unsuccessful in earlier phases) .

All that happen was us filling up this form earlier this year and Clemens bringing it back to us today. Phew……… totally  sweat free.

Stress-Free Successful Application

Stress-Free Successful Application

Balloting for 20 places with 60 over applicants then in 2011 was really a nerve-wrecking experience. Each time a number is picked up and before it is called, you will get this hopeful adrenaline rush that it is your number that will be called.

If it is really your number, you might have these several reactions:

  1. Shock and stunned that you are unable to make a sound.
  2. Immediately clasped your mouth and scream, “is it really us???”
  3. Scream and cry with joy thanking god all the way
  4.  Pinch yourself and if you still do not think that it is real, pinch your partner and hear him going ouch in pain. Yeap that’s reality and congratulations.
  5. And I have seen really overly enthusiastic fathers punching their fist in the air, yelling, “Oh Yeah!!!” as if they have won a soccer match.

The list can go on with endless possibility and I really wish you all the best that you will get your dreams come true.

If it is not your number, I can also totally understand your anxiety. With your hope put up high and it is not your number, it will just be like sitting on a Giant Drop suspended in the air and then all your hopes come plunging down to the bottomless pit of your churning tummy (only that you can’t scream or make a sound). However you must always remember that at the end of the day, it does not matter which school your kid goes to because the system is controlled by our government therefore the academic aspects will be totally similar. What matters most is the adaptability of your child and if he or she will be in happy in the school. This to me is far  more important than any academic results. A happy child is a balance and healthy child.

Also the distance of the school and your home plays a very important part. I have never been more happy for the past 2 years that Clemens is allowed to sleep till 6.30am to 6.45am, have a good breakfast at home before heading down for a 5 mins walk to school (all without the rush and hassle).

Anyway here is a summary of the P1 registration phases for you:

  • Phase 1: Sibling currently studying in the school.
  • Phase 2: Parent is in School Alumni Association or member of the School Advisory/Management Committee.
  • Phase 2A2: Parent/ Sibling was ex-school student or staff member of the school.
  • Phase 2B: Parent is a school volunteer or grass-roots leader or  in achurch or clan affiliated to the school.
  • Phase 2C: Child who is ineligible for or unsuccessful in earlier phases
  • Phase 2C (Supp): Child who is unsuccessful in gaining a place in a school of choice at Phase 2C.
  • Phase 3: Child who is not a Singapore Citizen or a Permanent Resident.

You can read my past experience in the Phase 2 C registration at School Matters.

And always always check out the MOE website to see the number of place available left so that you can decide if you want to place a  “bet” on the school.

Good luck to all the parents and kiddos out there entering a new phase of their life. 🙂


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